Thursday, December 01, 2005

Cord Blood Stem Cells Key To Saving Lives: Doctors Hope To Increase Cord Blood Stem Cell Donors

Source: WRC-TV4, Washington, D.C.
POSTED: 6:18 pm EST November 30, 2005
UPDATED: 6:24 am EST December 1, 2005


WRC-TV4, Washington, D.C. reports on new cord blood stem cell research and emphasize the importance of saving umbilical cords and the need for cord blood donors:

FAIRFAX, Va. -- Doctors hope to increase the number of donations of cord blood stem cells. The cells are a proven lifesaver that get thrown away in hospitals everyday. Cord blood stem cells are different than the controversial embryonic stem cells. They come from the umbilical cords of newborn babies -- a material that's usually discarded even though they're already proven lifesavers.