Source: Foundation Don Roberto Fernández Viña via Medical News Today
Date: 07 Feb 2006
A study carried out in Argentina by a team of researchers from a Not-For-Profit Organization called ‘Don Roberto Fernandez Viña Foundation' (San Nicolas- Buenos Aires, Argentina) demonstrated that stem cells implanted into type 2 diabetes patients, in direct form into the pancreas, improve the production of Endogenous Insulin, increase the levels of “C Peptide”, decrease blood glucose levels and glycated hemoglobin levels faster than other treatments. 84% of the patients that had received the autologuous bone marrow cells could also abandon the drugs that stimulate insulin production or the insulin that they had been receiving previously. There were no complications at all, demonstrating the safety of the technique, since the extraction, the cellular implants and evolution of the patients. The most likely reason of this improvement is that the implanted autologuous stem cells regenerate the destroyed Beta Cells in the Islets of Langherhams in the pancreas of diabetes patients. It is also possible that they originate new Beta cells which produce the new Insulin.