Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Stem Cells May Help Reverse Paralysis: Tests Succeed in Paralyzed Rats; Method May Help People, Scientists Say

Source: WebMD Medical News
Posted: June 21, 2006


Tests done on paralyzed rats have demonstrated that With some chemical help, embryonic stem cells may help reverse paralysis. Scientists used chemicals to tell embryonic mice stem cells to become motor neurons, nerve cells that control muscles. Researchers then transplanted them into the spinal cords of 120 paralyzed adult rats. After six months, 11 of the 15 rats in the key test group could put weight on the paralyzed hind paw their stem cells had been instructed to target. Those rats could also step off from that paw. In short, embryonic stem cells show promise against paralysis in rats, but it may take extra chemical help to get the biggest benefits.

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