Monday, May 07, 2007

New Recipe for Powerful Stem Cells Promises Greater Insight

Source: Scientific American
Date: May 7, 2007


Scientific American reports on a new study by Advanced Cell Technology in which human embryonic stem cells were transformed into blood vessels:

"Advanced Cell Technology, Inc. announced it has grown large numbers of a rare type of human embryonic stem cell that can transform into blood and blood vessels. When injected into mice, the cells congregated around damaged blood vessels in the eye, heart and limbs, where they seemed to help rebuild injured tissue. The company says it plans to request approval by the end of next year to conduct human trials of the cells, called hemangioblasts. If the cells replace blood vessels in people, they might lead to new treatments for diseases that result from a lack of blood to some part of the body, including heart attack, stroke and the complications of diabetes."