Monday, August 27, 2007

Geron sees progress in stem-cell therapy

Source: San Jose Mercury News
Posted: August 27, 2007 01:37:54 AM PDT


The San Jose Mercury News reports Geron Corporation announced progress in the development of a potential treatment for heart attack patients using embryonic stem cells:

"Geron, which hopes to soon begin human tests of its human embryonic stem-cell-derived treatment for damaged spinal cords, on Sunday reported progress with another potential stem-cell treatment for heart attack victims. In a study published in the journal Nature Biotechnology, the Menlo Park company and researchers at the University of Washington said they had used human embryonic stem cells for the first time to help regrow heart muscles in rats that had suffered heart attacks."

The article also mentions that Geron intends to seek federal regulatory approval to begin human trials for a treatment for spinal cord injuries derived from embryonic stem cells:

"Geron is even closer to seeking FDA approval for an unprecedented human test of another treatment it is developing from human embryonic stem cells for spinal injuries..." Although Geron executives had hoped to begin such a test last year, Okarma said the company now plans to ask the FDA in the next couple of months for permission to start it."