Thursday, September 18, 2008

Different stem cell types defined by exclusive combinations of genes working together

Source: Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore
Date: September 18, 2008


In the new issue of Cell Stem Cell, scientists at the Genome Institute of Singapore report that the same transcription factor, which is crucial for the survival of different stem cell types, can behave differently. This study clearly showed for the first time that different types of stem cells are defined by exclusive combinations of genes working together, and this is under the influence of a single key stem cell factor (called Sall4).

The finding is timely since other researchers have recently revealed that specific genetic recipes can be used to turn non-stem cells into different stem cells that can be useful clinically. This finding reveals important insights about how scientists may be able to manipulate and engineer different stem cells for the treatment of human degenerative disorders. Understanding the behaviour of transcription factors, a class of gene regulators, helps pave the way for important advancements in stem cell technology and clinical research.