Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Retinal Transplant Restores Vision in Mice: Transplanting stem cells into retinas replaces light-sensitive photoreceptors that have been lost to eye d

Source: MIT Technology Review
Posted: November 08, 2006


British scientists have successfully transplanted the first retinal cells into the eyes of mice, marking the first time that vision has been restored by transplanting light-sensitive photoreceptor cells. Previous efforts to do this have failed. According to the experiment's lead scientist, using stem cells that had stopped dividing and were beginning to actually turn into photoreceptors just before transplanting them into the host enabled the transplant to succeed. Other scientists are heralding the the experiment a signifcant advance toward eventually treating humans with visual diseases and impairments. However, some scientists caution that photoreceptor cells must be replaced in order to potentially treat people with these conditions.

Commentary: This advance could enable to further experiments transplanting light-sensitive photoreceptor cells in larger animals, which could eventually lead to experiments in humans.

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