Thursday, November 15, 2007

Scientists Use Monkey Clones to Extract Stem Cells

Source: New York Times
Date: November 15, 2007


The New York Times reports researchers have obtained stem cells from cloned monkey embryos:

"Researchers in Oregon are reporting that they used cloning to produce monkey embryos and then extracted stem cells from the embryos."

The story mentions this new discovery could eventually be applied to treat human medical conditions:

"Not only is this the first time such cells have been produced in any animal other than a mouse, but the method, the researchers say, should also work in humans. In 2004, South Korean researchers reported making stem cells from cloned human embryos, but the claim turned out fraudulent."

The study's lead author believes this new cloning technique could also be used to produce human embryonic stem cells:

'We hope the technology will be useful for other labs that are working on human eggs and human cells,” the lead researcher of the group, Shoukhrat Mitalipov at Oregon Health and Science University in Beaverton, said in a telephone interview. “I am quite sure it will work in humans.'”