Wednesday, December 19, 2007

International Stem Cell Corporation Creates Human Stem Cell Lines That Can Eliminate Immune Rejection by Patients

Source: International Stem Cell Corporation
Posted: December 19, 2007 12:01 PM EST


In an official company news release, International Stem Cell Corporation, a biotechnology company in the field of stem cell research, announced it has successfully created human stem cell lines that match human beings, eliminating the risk of immune rejection in patients:

"Scientists at International Stem Cell Corporation have created unique human stem cell lines that make them easily “immune matched” to human beings and could enable the creation of a bank of stem cells that could be used, without rejection, by a majority of the different people and races of the world."

The release also explains the significance of this finding:

"Akin to the concept of finding multiple 'universal Type O blood donors', the discovery is significant because it would eliminate the need for harsh immune suppression drugs currently used for cell transplant therapy. This may open the door to cell transplant therapy for diseases such as juvenile diabetes where the use of immune suppressant drugs is harmful to the patient."