Date: November 23, 2009
In an official company news release, Stem Cells, Inc., a biotechnology company in the field of stem cell research, announced commencement of patient recruitment for a clinical trial to test the safety of human neural stem cells in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease ( PMD), a pediatric neurological disorder:
StemCells, Inc. announced today that it has commenced patient recruitment for a Phase I clinical trial designed to test the safety and preliminary efficacy of its HuCNS-SC® purified human neural stem cells in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease ( PMD), a neurological disorder that primarily afflicts children. The study is being conducted at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Children’s Hospital, one of the leading medical centers in the United States for neonatology, pediatric neurology and neurosurgery.
Here is a video featuring Stem Cells, Inc. CEO Martin McGlynn that explains the trial in greater detail.