Monday, November 06, 2006

Plan to create human-cow embryos

Source: BBC News
Posted: 6 November 2006 22:45:03 GMT


Researchers from Newcastle University and Kings College, London have applied for permission to create embryos by fusing human DNA with cow eggs. Scientists want to use cows' eggs as a substitute because human eggs for research are in short supply and to obtain them women have to undergo surgery. The hybrid human-bovine embryos would be used for stem cell research and would not be allowed to develop for more than a few days. But critics say it is unethical and potentially dangerous.

Commentary: If this procedure is proved effecive, it could dramatically increase the number of embryos available for stem cell research. However, the procedure could pose health risks such as cell rejection by the human immune system. There for this experiment should be scrutinized and reviewed very carefully to minimize any health risks to both egg donors and patients receiving transplants of the cells extracted from the cow embryos.

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