Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Joslin-led study reveals findings on how insulin-producing beta cells grow and function: Findings one day may lead to advances in treatments for peopl

Source: Joslin Diabetes Center
Posted: April 23, 2006

BOSTON -- A new study has shown conclusively that two receptors in the insulin-producing beta cell do not affect developmental growth, refuting a long-held hypothesis in diabetes research. This finding is helping scientists in their efforts to isolate the growth factors that do stimulate beta cell growth and understand the defects in insulin production and secretion that cause diabetes.

If the exact growth factor is identified, it could be used to promote beta cell growth. Another treatment option is growing beta cells outside the body and transplanting them into patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The body needs a large number of beta cells to function normally.

Commentary: Hopefully this study will lead to effective stem cell treatments for people with diabetes.

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